
Building a Better Agile Cloud with programmability and other cool networking things and cloud stuff!!!!!!!!! Please see archive for past demo videos.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Part 1: Demo of Ansible on Metacloud Openstack

In this demo + tutorial we will look at using Ansible 2.2 to build projects and networks in Openstack

Part1 Demo Video:

Clone files from Github:
git clone

Download Zipfile:

Openstack Modules:
(see OpenStack)

Part 2 Demo Video:

Friday, January 29, 2016

Please enjoy my archive of demo videos below:

Deploying Docker Containers and Managing Microservices with Cisco Mantl

CLIQR on Cisco Metapod (OpenStack) Demo

  1. Using HEAT to configure a neutron router and new tenant network 

  1. Using HEAT to configure full Application Stacks in Metapod
  2. Metapod Neutron Usecases
    1. Use Case 1:
    2. Use Case 2:
    3. Use Case 3: (2 Tenants 1 Router)

    1. Use Case 4:
    2. Use Case 5:
    3. Use Case 6:
    4. Use Case 7:

  1. Using Ansible and CLI to configure full Application Stacks in Metapod
  2. CSR1000v as Neutron router

  1. Configuring VPN as a service in Neutron
  2. Using Ansible to configure Metapod video
  3. Puppet on Metapod Demo

  1. Launching Instances with CLI in Metapod Demos

  1. Intercloud Fabric Videos and Demos