
Building a Better Agile Cloud with programmability and other cool networking things and cloud stuff!!!!!!!!! Please see archive for past demo videos.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Please enjoy my archive of demo videos below:

Deploying Docker Containers and Managing Microservices with Cisco Mantl

CLIQR on Cisco Metapod (OpenStack) Demo

  1. Using HEAT to configure a neutron router and new tenant network 

  1. Using HEAT to configure full Application Stacks in Metapod
  2. Metapod Neutron Usecases
    1. Use Case 1:
    2. Use Case 2:
    3. Use Case 3: (2 Tenants 1 Router)

    1. Use Case 4:
    2. Use Case 5:
    3. Use Case 6:
    4. Use Case 7:

  1. Using Ansible and CLI to configure full Application Stacks in Metapod
  2. CSR1000v as Neutron router

  1. Configuring VPN as a service in Neutron
  2. Using Ansible to configure Metapod video
  3. Puppet on Metapod Demo

  1. Launching Instances with CLI in Metapod Demos

  1. Intercloud Fabric Videos and Demos

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